Snap! Conference 2019
Heidelberg, September 22 - 25, 2019
The Beauty and Joy of Computing // #CodeCreateCelebrate // #SnapCon19
For three days researchers, educators, makers and enthusiasts from all over the world will gather in historic Heidelberg to share ideas, experiences, schemes and artifacts around the beauty and joy of computing. Come and join us! Engage in lively demos, discussions, talks and pitches, and prepare to mingle with actual young thinkers.
The Conference will take place at the Heidelberg University of Education from Monday, Sep. 23 to Wednesday, Sep. 25. Watch out for pre-conference activities and an evening reception on Sunday, Sep. 22. Get ready for a Young Thinkers Night with hands-on workshops for teens on Tuesday, Sep. 24.
Computer Science and Mathematics transform how we learn, work and interact with each other. We believe that critical optimism, creative disobedience and courageous curiosity are ingredients for a rich and self-determined life in the 21st century. Programming a computer is not just a vocational skill but an act of intellectual emancipation and a medium for self-expression. In the spirit of Seymour Papert's "Mathland" analogy we invite you to join us for a celebration of creative coding.
Organized by Members of the Snap! Visual Programming Language Community the conference welcomes contributions from all computing education enthusiasts regardless of your tool, paradigm or setting of choice. K12 Scratch teachers, informal coding club facilitators, programming language-makers, curriculum designers, college professors, MOOCistas, circuit-board solderers, digital artists, computing ethics activists: This is for you! We look forward to hearing your story.
Planned formats:
Ignite Talk: 5 mins, you may use slides Slam Pitch: 5 mins, must pick a constraint (no slides, live-code, use Snap!, Scratch etc., dance, sing, ...) Short Talk 15 min, allow 5 mins for discussion Long Talk 30 min, allow 10 mins for discussion Panel 45 min, 3 persons and 1 moderator deliver 5 min ignites, then allow 25 mins for discussion Poster/Demo, 2 hours Conference Workshop: 90 mins Young Thinkers Night Workshop: 90 mins for participating teenagers Fees & Registration
Regular fees
Regular: 200 EUR (including conference dinner) PhD students: 120 EUR (including conference dinner) Guests, students: 10 EUR (no conference dinner) Early bird (by April 28, 2019) Regular: 150 EUR (including conference dinner) PhD students: 80 EUR (including conference dinner) Guests, students: 10 EUR (no conference dinner)
Submit a short description/abstract by May 28, 2019.
Snap!Con 2019 will have an engaging program!
Program Highlights

Heidelberg University of Education
Keplerstraße 8769120, Heidelberg