Presented by:

Jeremy Millard
Founder of DiamondFire, a server-based platform for teaching computer science through Minecraft. UC Berkeley CS grad (2020), software engineer, competitive DanceDanceRevolution enthusiast.
DiamondFire teaches coding concepts through a Minecraft multiplayer server. Using a drag-and-drop style coding system, students can create their own games directly within Minecraft. Students can collaborate and build games in real time, and they can also play each other's games together. DiamondFire achieves learning objectives using a unique, social environment and a game everyone loves!
This talk will show how games are constructed on DiamondFire, and how the Minecraft multiplayer environment keeps students engaged with the material and with each other. It will also showcase games students have built on DiamondFire.
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- Date:
- 2020 July 30 - 12:20 PDT
- Duration:
- 5 min
- Room:
- Plenary Sessions
- Conference:
- Snap!Con 2020
- Language:
- English
- Type:
- Lightning Talk
- Track:
- Lightning Talks
- Difficulty:
- N/A