Create Your Own Block Logo in 5 Minutes
Using the BloP meta-extension to easily build the BlockLogo Snap extension
Presented by:

Stefano Federici
I teach Computer Science at the university of Cagliari. My main research interests are making Computer Science as easy as possible to learn and making all school subjects more engaging for students through coding. I'm the creator of the _BloP _Snap extension.
By using the BloP extension, I will show that non-high-level-programming-expert users of Snap! can build simple block languages that they can use to introduce their students to the core elements of a programming language such as sequence and looping.
Setting up a few new blocks with their syntax, creating auxiliary elements that can help design the new environment, hiding all the unimportant elements of the Snap! GUI and locking the new programming environment so that it can be safely used by its final users, is just a matter of 5 minutes.
You can download all the materials from this link
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- Date:
- 2020 July 30 - 12:25 PDT
- Duration:
- 5 min
- Room:
- Plenary Sessions
- Conference:
- Snap!Con 2020
- Language:
- English
- Type:
- Lightning Talk
- Track:
- Lightning Talks
- Difficulty:
- N/A