Presented by:

Matthias Kim
Teaching for several years kids programming and computer science. I started with Scratch and app inventor, but then discovered SNAP. still excited about SNAP. Its a full blown programming environment and allows to teach advanced stuff to 12 year old I learned in University being twice that age.
Volunteer Hosts
Thanks for helping with Snap!Con 2021!

Vedansh Malhotra
No materials for the event yet, sorry!
Codification means to create Python code directly out of Snap! code via a mapping Snap! blocks to Python code. The created Python code via codification in Snap! is downloaded and runs immediately in Python. This has been useful in supporting the steps from Snap! development in a blocks language to a typing language.
I will demonstrate how we enhanced codification with GUI elements. There are now 2 elements of an application to codify and transfer Snap! code to Python:
GUI Elements in SNAP (Button, Listbox) to Python tkinter
Data store and Application logic to Python
Now, students can study GUI elements, their design, and the logic of an application in Snap!. We transfer then the full application to Python. This gives a better understanding on how GUIs and the logic of an application are built and related.
The workshop will start with a presentation, and then participants will be guided to transform a Snap! project into Python code. Participants will be provided with a Snap! project to codify it themselves. A Python installation will be needed on local installation to execute the transfer of the Snap! code to Python code.
Presentation is here:
- Date:
- 2021 July 29 - 08:00 PDT
- Duration:
- 1 h
- Room:
- Room 3
- Conference:
- Snap!Con 2021
- Type:
- Workshop