Presented by:

Jordi Binefa
Founder of and CTO at Siarq. Developing IoT devices. Teaching IoT, programming, communications and electronics at Jesuïtes El Clot and UPC School.
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As a teacher of vocational training and master postgraduate, and engineer, I have developed a couple of OSHW boards (S4A PLB and IoT-02 board). S4a PLB is for teaching basic programming (using snap4arduino) and IoT-02 is for teaching IoT and Industry 4.0 technologies (using official Snap!'s MQTT extension). Both boards have been used for teaching (Joan XXIII, Jesuïtes El Clot, Escola del Treball and UPC School). The goal of this talk is showing how to use these boards in class using Snap!
- Duration:
- 20 min
- Room:
- Room 2
- Conference:
- Snap!Con 2022
- Type:
- Talk