Presented by:

Jordi Binefa
Founder of and CTO at Siarq. Developing IoT devices. Teaching IoT, programming, communications and electronics at Jesuïtes El Clot and UPC School.

Xavier Pi
Knowmad, passionate about Simulation, Digital Twins, and Embedded Systems as central factors for the 4th Industrial Revolution.
IoT Vertebrae is Open Source Hardware ( ). It is a protyping hardware platform to be compatible with industrial signal levels. Bridging OT, IT, and makers and the educational community is possible using IoT Vertebrae. In this talk we will use Snap! controlling analog and digital outputs, and reading analog and digital inputs from the physical world. Using MicroBlocks on Iot-Vertebrae is also explored.
- Date:
- 2023 July 19 - 12:40 CET
- Duration:
- 20 min
- Room:
- Auditorium (Online)
- Conference:
- Snap!Con 2023
- Type:
- Talk
- Presented via:
- Online