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Five 7 minute talks - get enlightened :)

This session will feature:

Yuan Garcia

In this lightning talk, we will speak on how we are utilizing Snap!'s ~400 page documentation, along with RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) to create a LLM that pulls from the documentation in order to help answer common questions. We first have the ...

Andrea Mayr-Stalder

The TurtleStitch journey began with its debut at the Scratch Conference in 2015, introducing its unique concept for creative coding with embroidery machines. Over the years, the SNAP!-based TurtleStitch has evolved, compri...

Margaret Low

From Pattern to Code is a series of videos that show how to develop code to create patterns in TurtleStitch. Using TurtleStitch means that patterns can then be stitched onto cloth using an embroidery machine enabling the creation of tangible objects...

Jadga Hügle

South African Shweshwe Fabric contains beautiful geometric patterns that are ideal as a basis for different Turtlestitch designs. In our project we used these designs to teach learners from different township schools in Cape Town programming and geometr...

Stefano Federici

The extension and library mechanisms of Snap! offer significant opportunities to enhance and customize the user experience. In this talk, I will explore the power and flexibility of these mechanisms by recreating the BloP extension using only the "primi...

10 min
Online Room 1
Snap!shot 2024
Lightning Talks Discussion