Presented by:

Joan Guillén

from Cesire* at Catalan Education Department, Snap4Arduino and Snap! Team, RobolotTeam
  • Tech teacher.
  • Working in innovation and teacher training at Education Department of Catalonia.
  • Snap4Arduino developer.
No materials for the event yet, sorry! Meanwhile...
Lightning Talks Round 1
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Lightning Talks Round 2
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Presentation (demo) of the new Moodle plugins for the Snap! family. We have now Snap!, Snap4Arduino, BeetleBlocks and TurtleStitch submission plugins in Moodle and also the possibility to build your own Snap! distro plugin.

You can add Snap! project submissions to your assignments. All your data (users and projects) is stored in your own campus.

This lightning talk will show you these new features, how to install and use them and also future options.

In 5 minutes? Yes, it's really easy! Although there are deeper issues behind this that would be good to share and discuss: private and secure assignments vs sharing and cloud features, school-classroom activities vs community life...

5 min
Snap!Shot Zoom Room
Snap!shot 2020
Lightning Talks