Rolf Becker
Harley, Ilgar, and Ali are my students who are the creators of our contributions to SNAP!Con 2022. We are presenting together!
Rolf has been a professor for environmental physics at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW) since 2010.
He received his diploma in physics from the University of Bonn and his PhD in hydrology from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
At HSRW, he leads the IoT Lab, the Drone Lab, and the Earth Observation Lab (EOLab). In addition to his research and teaching in environmental monitoring in bachelor's and master's programs, he is heavily involved in STEM education. He regularly conducts workshops with schools.
His current interest is combining SNAP! with AI on NVIDIA Jetsons in robotic applications.
Rolf Becker presents 2 Events:
Let's plAIy! - AI in Snap! with NVIDIA Jetson for Schools at Snap!Con 2022
Let's plAIy - Object detection with Snap!, Tello Drone and NVIDIA Jetson at Snap!Con 2022