Ursula has been a member of the "Logo Community" since 1976. She taught computer science at the undergraduate level from 1990 until 2020 when a heart attack while walking up 6th ave in NYC from her class at the New School suggested a re-evaluation of her life style. At the time she was teaching liberal arts courses in Code Crafting (Fiber arts and coding) and Natural Language Processing. Since then she has been consulting on AI in the Textile Industry, AI in Education and is building software for wellness and fiber arts. Most recently she has been working on building a net-zero house on a budget, writing algorithms for 'partial information retrieval with provenance' and debugging bad customer service interfaces as a user. Her most recent Snap! related project that pre-dates Snap! is a "Smart Curriculum" for inspiring fiber artists to teach mathematicians and mathematicians to teach fiber artists. There's computer science in there somewhere.

Ursula Wolz presents 2 Events: